The seminar programme is compiled by the Scientific Committee of Intrafood, led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Koen Dewettinck, University of Ghent.  The Intrafood 2024 programme will be available on 20 August.  

Hereunder, you will find the sessions of the 2022 edition. Some of them are available for a rewatch.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Challenges and opportunities in reformulating & developing new food products with the background of high costs, scarcity of raw materials, the war in Ukraine, etc. 

Thursday 29 September 2022

These sessions in collaboration with ie-net will focus on the latest process technologies and their impact on product innovation and ingredients.  Smart processing offers completely new angles for the development of innovative products.  Programme in collaboration with the food community of ie-net, association of engineers.

Practical info: the seminar will be held in the language of the title 

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 11:00-11:45 - 28 Sep Seminar room
De schaarste van grondstoffen en ingrediënten nu & morgen: op mondiaal vlak bekeken (Dutch)

Prof. dr. Xavier Gellynck Faculty of Bioscience Engineering - Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ghent

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 11:45-12:30 - 28 Sep Seminar room
Hoe weerbaar is de Belgische voedingsindustrie in tijden van crisis? (Dutch)

Ph.D. Carole Dembour Advisor Economic Affairs, FEVIA

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 12:30-13:15 - 28 Sep Seminar room
Herformuleren van bakkerijproducten met alternatieve grondstoffen: opportuniteiten en beperkingen (Dutch)

Prof. Filip Van Bockstaele Director of research UGent Vandemoortele Centre

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 13:15-14:00 - 28 Sep Seminar room
Herformulering & ontwikkeling van producten in de huidige context van schaarste van grondstoffen: cases uit verschillende productsectoren (Dutch)

Dr. Maxime Willems Founder & CEO @foodlab & incubator Proef!

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 14:00-14:45 - 28 Sep Seminar room
Saddle up: Animal-free Caseins (English)

Will van den Tweel Project Director, Those Vegan Cowboys

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 14:45-15:30 - 28 Sep Seminar room
Valorisation potentials of byproducts from the agrofood industry (English)

Dr. MSc. Yang Zou Research Unit VEG-i-TEC; Ghent University - campus Kortrijk

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 15:30-16:15 - 28 Sep Seminar room
Recente ontwikkelingen mbt ultra processed foods, gevolgd door een open discussie (Dutch)

Prof. dr. ir. Koen Dewettinck Dept. Food Technology, Safety & Health, UGent

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 10:30-11:00 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Productontwikkeling: van idee tot het schap 7 maal sneller! Van labo tot marketing eindelijk volledig ERP-geïntegreerd (Dutch)

Arjen van Barneveld Manager Manufacturing Operations, Siemens Digital Industries Software

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 11:30-11:45 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Toepassingen, voordelen en voorbeelden van radio frequentie golven in food processing (Dutch)

Dr. Eric Oving CEO RF Food Systems

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 11:45-12:00 - 29 Sep Seminar room
De PowerHeater, een sleuteltechnologie voor optimaal textureren van dierlijke en/of plantaardige eiwitten (Dutch)

Ir. Piet Deceunynck CEO Taaas - Powerheater

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 13:00-13:30 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Opportunities for the use of pulsed electric fields (PEF) in food industry (English)

Dr. Kemal Aganovic Head of Advanced Technologies, DIL-German Institute of Food Technologies

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 14:00-14:20 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Innovation in taste & texture

TASTE: Staying on top of consumer trends in bakery: an introduction into Puratos’ Taste Tomorrow insights programme (English)

Nanno Palte Group Marketing Intelligence Manager, Puratos

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 14:25-14:45 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Innovation in taste & texture

Texture: Innovaties in creëren van textuur (Dutch)

Bsc, Daniel Abts Principal Scientist, Cargill

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 15:00-15:15 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Innovations in the pipeline

Industriële toepassingen van microgolftechnologie (Dutch)

MSc Yves De Bleecker Coördinator Expertisecentrum Agro- en Biotechnologie - Hogeschool VIVES

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 15:15-15:30 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Innovations in the pipeline

Advanced technologies for food processing (English)

Dr. Kemal Aganovic Head of Advanced Technologies, DIL-German Institute of Food Technologies

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icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 15:30-15:45 - 29 Sep Seminar room
Innovations in the pipeline

Major challenges for innovative food manufacturers in an ever-changing complex food system approach (English)

Prof. dr. ir. Koen Dewettinck Dept. Food Technology, Safety & Health, UGent

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