Dates & Opening hours
Wednesday 25 September 2024: 9:30 - 17.30 hrs
Thursday 26 September 2024: 9:30 - 17:30 hrs

Kortrijk Xpo, Doorniksesteenweg 216, 8500 Kortrijk (Belgium)
Hall 6 | access via Xpo Noord

GPS address
President Kennedylaan 100, 8500 Kortrijk

Free drinks and sandwiches for visitors and exhibitors.

Intrafood is only accessible for professionals from the food & beverage and nutraceuticals industry.
Register here for your free entrance ticket.

Access for students
Only accessible for final-year students with an approved application via this site.

Visit the website of Kortrijk Xpo for more info: route description - car parks
Parking ticket: € 7 / 24h (parking P2 > P7)

You do not need a ticket to enter the car park. When you drive out at the barrier you must pay by bank card or credit card.

Charging electric cars

  • charging poles for electric cars are available on parking 4parking 6 at Xpo North and at the Meeting Center entrance and on parking 3 at Xpo South entrance 
  • near the exit, you will find a Tesla fast charging station; this station is available for all electric cars

Hotels and restaurants in Kortrijk 
Do you want to make a reservation for a hotel or restaurant?

Click here for a list of hotels and restaurants in/near the city of Kortrijk. 



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