What food trends in 2023?


What food trends in 2023?


Innova Market Insights tells us that value redefinition is the main trend in food. The political and economic outlook has put consumer spending under pressure. Consumers want value for money.


Trend 1 - Redefining Value

Consumers think long and hard about the products they will pay more for, now that prices are high, and the political picture is unstable. Research bureau Innova Market Insights tells us that consumers have more money for: 1. Fresh; 2. Local and 3. Health-promoting. They attach a lot of importance to cutting food waste, recycling and products in sustainable packaging.


Trend 2 - Affordable Nutrition

The steep rise in food costs is forcing consumers to choose simple, nutritious and affordable food. That means bulk buying, choosing house brands, cooking at home, buying fewer luxury items and buying less. According to consumers, product development must concentrate on health (say 41% of consumers), affordability (30%) and naturalness (28%).



Trend 3 - Generational Push

Health, affordability and taste are important to all consumers. The order differs from one generation to another. Gen Z values taste over price. As parents, millennials value price over flavour. Gen X and baby-boomers put health above all. Health is important to older generations.


Trend 4 - Plant-Based: Unlocking a New Narrative

The rapid growth of plant-based has run into obstacles. In money terms, the market grew 14% in the 2018-2020 period. Growth of +7% is expected for 2021-2023. The consumer wants flavourful plant-based products with a good texture. Also important are value for money, less processing and fewer artificial ingredients.



Trend 5 - Farming the Future

The modern consumer has a sustained interest in innovative technologies such as vertical agriculture, plant breeding and regenerative agriculture. This positive attitude is attributable to product quality and sustainability.


Trend 6 - Quick Quality

Two thirds of consumers want to obtain their dally food ingredients simply and easily through meal packages. However, this choice is dependent on price above all, followed by freshness and healthiness. The preparation time and method are less important.



Trend 7 - Devouring Digital

Brands are only just beginning to harness the potential of social media by enriching real life through digital experience, on Tiktok and Instagram, for example. This wakens curiosity among 18- to 34-year-olds and can give a youthful feel to a brand.


Trend 8 - Revenge Spending

Small indulgences have a bigger effect on consumers now that expenditure on luxuries is under pressure. The average annual growth in launches of new foods and drinks with a limited-edition claim rose by 30% in the last 3 years.


Trend 9 - Unpuzzle Health

Consumers want to know more from the packaging about the health benefits, ingredients and nutritional value of a product. In Europe, personal research, claims and the opinions of doctors and professionals are the most important sources of information on a product's health benefits.


Trend 10 - Positively Imperfect

Openness about the complexities of sustainability is valued by consumers who do not expect brands to be 100% perfect.







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